
Matters needing attention in the use of image measuring instrument



       Image measuring instrument is a high-precision measuring instrument, so in order to obtain accurate measurement results, it is necessary to avoid errors in the measurement process. The correct use of the image measuring instrument can ensure the accuracy of the data. Therefore, in order to obtain accurate measurement results, it is necessary to avoid errors in the measurement process. The correct use of the image measuring instrument can ensure the accuracy of the data. Matters needing attention when using the image measuring instrument:


      1. It is necessary to select the appropriate workpiece national method and the appropriate workpiece orientation


      2 . The lighting method of the workpiece is also very important, and it should be designed according to the characteristics to be measured.


      3. Determine the workpiece coordinate system according to the drawing, so as to define the workpiece datum in the coordinate system.


      4. For the imager without an automatic zoom system, image calibration needs to be performed and the image measuring instrument also needs to determine the appropriate magnification


      5. The measurement path and measurement method are very important, and the precise path and method must be determined




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